March’s ingredient is: bell pepper! Discovered by Columbus in the West Indies, bell peppers or capsicum are a very tasty and nutritious ingredient for snacks and main meals. They are available year round and grow in multiple countries around the […]
Read MoreWhile experiencing a moment of fear and panic when faced with a dangerous situation is expected, panic attacks occur without the presence of a trigger or identifiable cause. Because of their random nature and the intensity of their symptoms, experiencing […]
Read MoreContrary to popular belief, mental health symptoms are not qualitatively different than “normal” symptoms. It is easy to assume that people with a diagnosis are inherently different when in fact, all human behaviors and experiences lie on a spectrum. If […]
Read MoreFebruary is National Teen Dating Violence month in the United States. According to the Center for Disease Control, 10% of all teens between 7th grade and 12th grade experience teen dating violence. Teens who are abused are are higher risk […]
Read MoreWhy are strawberries good for your mental health? Why are there recipes on MySahana’s website? Photo and recipe provided by Lovelaughmirch. 2 cups of all-purpose flour 1/3 cup of sugar 1 cup fresh strawberries, diced 1/4 cup of (1/2 stick) […]
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