Partner With Us

MySahana, located in the San Francisco Bay Area, is a groundbreaking nonprofit dedicated to spreading awareness about mental health issues in the South Asian community from a culturally-sensitive and culturally-relevant perspective.

There are several ways that you or your company can work with and support MySahana. To learn more about your options to work with MySahana, click on the following links. We want to create a mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationship so please contact us with your needs and we can see how to best work together.

Become a MySahana Partner

Partners of MySahana work with us to achieve the following goals: (1) Partner organization promotes MySahana at every opportunity, including public relations events, (2) MySahana promotes partner organization at every opportunity, including public relations events, (3) MySahana and partner organization developing strong internal relationships for the purposes of marketing and outreach, (4) Partner organization has first access and opportunity to be the provider of any normal course of business-related need the other organization has. (e.g. financial services, advertising services, etc.). Click here to see a list of MySahana’s current partners.

Interested in becoming a partner? Please contact our Marketing & Public Relations committee to see if your organization or company would fit with our needs and audience.

Become a MySahana Sponsor

MySahana’s sponsors provide financial and/or in-kind donations to help host an event. Examples can include (but are not limited to) monetary contributions to help pay for event advertising or providing food, drinks or a waitstaff for the event. In return, MySahana will happily promote your organization or company at the event based upon mutually agreed upon advertising methods. Click here to see a list of organizations who have sponsored MySahana.

Interested in becoming a sponsor? Email our Marketing & Public Relations committee to learn about our upcoming events.

Share Your Link

MySahana is happy to share links with other organizations benefiting the South Asian community. If you work with South Asians and have an organization or company that you would like listed on our website, please contact Parijat Deshpande for more information.

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